Ideology of CG
At first glance, it may seem that unlike a real cryptocurrency exchange with its real cryptocurrencies, CG, a virtual cryptocurrency exchange with its unreal virtual cryptocurrencies, seems like something frivolous and not worthy of serious attention as an investment opportunity.
Reality of Investment
However, this is far from the case. Of course, on one hand, CG is just a game. But on the other hand, isn't the usual exchange of cryptocurrencies, in essence, also a game? Moreover, unlike CG, are there any real rules or guarantees at all? Yes, naturally, these rules and guarantees do exist in theory, there is no doubt about that. But in reality, they often turn out to be so complex and disjointed, dependent on such numerous diverse and often completely unpredictable factors such as market volatility, news about cryptocurrency regulation, technological changes in the blockchain, that for an ordinary investor it becomes almost a hopeless case. In practice, it turns out to be impossible for a non-professional to understand these factors and try to take anything into account.
One fine day, you suddenly lose all your money, and then you are professionally and competently explained how and why this happened. It's all about the "rules".
Dialogue on Guarantees
- What about the "guarantees"? - you might want to ask.
- But have you been cheated in the process? Was everything done honestly? That's what our "guarantees" were all about. But the fact that you were unlucky is not our problem!
- So I might have been cheated after all! I wonder how once I have lost everything anyway.
Stability in Virtual World
Nothing like this exists and is not possible on the virtual cryptocurrency exchange CG, since CG is in no way dependent on political or global financial upheavals. Let the real world worry about various crises! In the virtual world of virtual cryptocurrencies, CG, everything is always stable and calm. There are no disasters here. Virtual cryptocurrencies, operating within a virtual economy, have complete immunity to bankruptcy. Their virtual operators are protected from involvement in financial machinations and scandals. They can be fully trusted. CG is a true haven of financial stability in our unstable world. This is because, like any exchange, the situation in CG is completely determined by the balance of purchases and sales of its virtual cryptocurrencies. But on a real exchange, this balance constantly and chaotically fluctuates. This is because real cryptocurrencies are an integral part of the entire global financial system and, therefore, extremely sensitive to any events, even completely unexpected and seemingly far from the business world. And this is what makes their operation almost completely unpredictable. On the other hand, CG is completely independent of the real world. In the world of virtual cryptocurrencies, CG, no extraordinary events occur, and therefore, once formed, the balance of purchases and sales in CG remains unchanged for a long period of time. The curse of any financial system is panic. But in CG there can be no panic, since one working day is no different from another. Therefore, if there was no panic yesterday, there cannot be tomorrow. Because how does "CG yesterday" differ from "CG tomorrow"?
The virtual cryptocurrency exchange CG is actually the only example of its kind in terms of absolute stability of the financial system. It is completely protected from any external interference and is practically not subject to its influence, since the format of the virtual game, consciously chosen by its creators, allowed it to be completely isolated from the outside world and made it practically autonomous. Doubts about its viability could only have arisen at the initial stage, when it was possible. But since this has already happened and a real balance between buying and selling has actually been established, it can function within these frameworks without any extraordinary events for any period of time. Thus, the safety of its players today can be considered almost complete.
Are you a player of CG? Yes? Not yet? In any case,